Crazy and Blue by gneebee

Crazy and Blue

She had herself convinced now, Daryl Dixon wasn’t going to be the biggest mistake of her life. Daryl Dixon was the biggest adventure of her life.



2nd Place Best Smut for 2018 Moonshine Awards

3rd Place Best One-Shot for 2018 Moonshine Awards


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A Handful of Bethyl by leftmywingshome



A collection on one-shots created for the Summer of Bethyl 2018! Each one is a prompt and the prompt is the title. I hope you enjoy them! 



3rd Place Best AU for 2018 Moonshine Awards (Rush)

2nd Place Best One-Shot for 2018 Moonshine Awards (Calm)


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Fix by thedevilyou know106


Daryl had messed up, that was a huge understatement, but the idea still held. Now he was sitting in the local hospital in a long room with machines lining the walls and little chambers that housed, in a few of them, tiny bodies like the one he was staring at. According to Sheriff Grimes this little tissue thin body was his – the premature baby girl in there was Daryl’s daughter.




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Once Upon A Time by Mccorv3

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Daryl Dixon’s world is set up on end with the knowledge of daughter he never knew he had. But then again, was that world so great to begin with? Daryl has choices to make about the kind of man and father he wants to be. It may take him some time to understand he might want something else out of his life too… perhaps a petite blonde with a killer smile.



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Yellow Bikini by SquishyCool

Yellow Bikini.jpg

Beth is on a beach trip with her friends, where she turns out to be the fifth wheel. Daryl is a lifeguard who was just minding his own business until he came across a girl who thought it was safe to swim all alone in the ocean at night.




banner courtesy of SquishyCool

Little Sweet Cigars by texasbelle91

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“Your skin, it smelled of sweat and smoke and little sweet cigars The ceiling, stained with years of troubled hearts and covered scars Your hand, it held my own right through the corridor of cars And led me to the world of wishing wells and shooting stars.” 



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