Come Home To Me by gneebee

come home to me gneebee

So many years had passed since that fateful day, but Maggie had two important reasons for returning to Grady Memorial Hospital.
The question bothered her ever since they left her sister behind. Had they done the right thing? They’d all tried so hard to convince themselves and each other they had. Beth was barely hanging onto life, there was virtually no chance she’d survive. Especially if they moved her.
If somehow she did manage to recover from the wound it would only be because Dr. Edwards pulled off a miracle. And then what if she wasn’t really Beth anymore? After all, the bullet went into her brain. Didn’t it?
It must have.
6,369 words

AO3          ffn-net3

Rated T

banner courtesy of gneebee

Just This Once by gneebee

just this once gneebee

It just happens to be a convenient coincidence that a mere two blocks from the joint there’s off-street parking where he can leave his rig.
He’s not kidding himself completely though, he knows if it was a five-mile hike he’d still stop just for the chance to sit, have a beer and look at her. He’d do damn near anything to see her.
4,629 words

AO3          ffn-net3

Rated M

banner courtesy of gneebee