Bethyl Holidays Fest 2022 [#BHF22]

For 2022, we’ve decided to open up the creative freedom and leave it entirely up to the creators. No prompts, just a celebration of Bethyl throughout each holiday.

  • Halloween
  • Christmas
  • New Year’s (Eve and Day)
  • Valentine’s Day

This means any and all fics, fanart, and manips that involve any of these holidays will be included in our spotlight posts. Just like last year, tag your creations either on Tumblr or on AO3 with #BethylHolidaysFest22 or #BHF22.

First up will be Halloween! Submissions will be spotlighted with a round-up post on either the day of the holiday or the day after. There will also be a post for any late submissions that come in afterward.

We can’t wait to see what you all come up with!